One patient recovered spontaneously, 1 remained cured after resection of the focal lesion, 7 were treated with 16-125 mg methylprednisolone (of whom 3 had a temporary flare-up during tapering the corticosteroids and 2 died after 1 and 3 months due to infectious complications), 2 died due to rapidly progressive BOOP. Histologic diagnosis was based on open lung biopsy (in 3), on thoracoscopic biopsy (in 2), on transbronchial biopsy (in 2), on wedge resection of the nodular lesion (in 1) and on postmortem lung biopsy (in 3). This report presents the case of a patient.

Bronchoalveolar lavage showed a variable pattern of mixed, or eosinophilic or neutrophilic alveolitis. pneumonia (BOOP) is a form of idiopathic diffuse interstitial lung disease. Chest X-ray and computed tomography (CT) scan showed a patchy consolidation with linear opacities (unilateral in 4 patients, bilateral in 5) and/or a ground glass pattern (in 4 patients), and a focal pseudo-tumoral lesion (in 1). Video will describe how pneumonia may look like on a chest x-ray. Lung function was mostly restrictive or/and obstructive with a diffusing capacity ranging between 47 and 95% predicted there was hypoxia in about half of the patients. The chest X-ray demonstrated bilateral basal infiltrates with blunting of both costophrenic angles suggest- ing pleural effusions (Fig. Chest CTobtained at admission shows strong dor- sal alveolar. There was a history of a flu-like syndrome, cough and dyspnea of a mean duration of 4 months (range 1 week to 8 months). Chest X-ray taken at admission shows interstitial shadows in lower fields of both lungs. The disease was idiopathic in 7, and was associated with intake of amiodarone (in 1), with past Mycoplasma pneumonia (in 1) and with connective tissue disease (in 2). This study reports on 11 cases (6 males/5 females) of clinical-pathological BOOP-syndrome (mean age 58 yrs, range 17-73 yrs), with an unexpectedly high mortality rate of 36% (4 cases). COVID-19 pneumonia represents a global threatening disease, especially in severe cases. Evolution to respiratory insufficiency and death is rare and may occur in rapidly progressive BOOP. This initially results in patchy airspace opacification and then more confluent consolidation. Pneumonia refers to infection within the lung and results in infective fluid and pus filling the alveolar spaces. Recurrence is frequent, but prognosis is good. This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists. Therapy consists of corticosteroids, which have to be prescribed for a long time at a rather high dose. However, a BOOP pattern or reaction is often seen on histologic specimens without the clinical-radiologic features of the BOOP-entity. The gold standard for pathologic diagnosis is open or thoracoscopic lung biopsy. Lung function is often restrictive biochemistry is not pathognomonic. BOOP is essentially idiopathic, but associations to other conditions exist. The clinical syndrome "Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organising Pneumonia" (BOOP) has to be considered in patients with a flu-like illness since some weeks, fine crackles, and on chest X-ray bilateral patchy infiltrates.